A Stir The Pots Post

Jiffy Baguettes

by | May 21, 2024 | Baguettes, Bread

Recently I made what author/baker Martin Philip calls “jiffy baguette.” It’s a classic yeasted baguette, something most sourdough snobs would not attempt. But the formula reminded me of something baker Jeffrey Hamelman said around “baguettes classically should be made with yeast.”

Though I have had issues with sourdough and yeasted versions, I now agree after trying this formula. It did not take a magic wand, just a long bulk ferment. Mine took four hours with successive folds, followed by a 45-60 minute final proof as a shaped baguette. The end result invited a slather of some French salted butter and voila, a beautiful crumb and crust.



Points, and ends


Jiffy Baguettes



Jiffy baguette



Baguette, Jiffy from CurioSassafras


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