While trawling through a vast archive from Saveur Magazines gourmet food pages, I came upon an Eric Kayser formula for a quinoa whole wheat bread with raisins. It piqued my curiosity as I have been using a Ferrandi School’s bread baking books that features...
One lesson regarding hydration was considering the feel or softness of ones ear Visiting Istanbul’s great baker Gökhan Sokmen, he advised me to gauge hydration by the dough’s softness, equating it with the texture of the touch of an earlobe. I remember him...
I recently purchased one of the books from EIDB’s Thomas Teffri-Chambelland. It inspired some fantastic loaves. Best of all, his coaching has led me to make sure my levain is fed daily and my oven is my proofer, too! My work place baking has me feeling a lot...
Since putting on a baker’s hat at work I’ve noticed that it’s impacted baking at home, namely leading to a smaller size of roll. Maybe it’s the demands. At work there’s so much hand work focused on the multiple serving batches, with lots...
Each new bread formula raises my anxiety, as in “how am I gonna do this?” Two things calm me, methods and inspiration. Here’s a method I use to allay fear, benefit of Mick Hartley of Bethesda Baking fame. So far as inspiration, my baking muse for...