Whole Grain Fanette

“La Fanette” is a bread I’ve made with and without success. This time I made what Thierry Delabre calls his “hobby levain,” a firm starter at 50% hydration,  all kamut rather then wheat. The spelt I used was whole grain, no white sifted...

Chad Robertson/Ken Forkish

I have followed Chad Robertson’s Tartine bread books, but with my “lazy baker” habits, schedule, and what-not, his approach challenges me. Recently I picked up Ken Forkish’s book, which is really good and has led to some really nice bakes. Not...

Boulot (Work)

In French, “boulot: means work. It’s also the name of a shape for a batard, which itself translates to “bastard.” So much for French language lessons. Recently, after making several failed attempts at what should seem easy bread (at least one...

Sourdough Croissants

To perfectly laminate croissants with a dough fermented using wild yeast, that has been sort of a  "Holy Grail" for me. My latest attempt, tweaked, hand rolled and cut were a huge success. Whoooohooo! Or Holy Moley! It's been a journey, and finally...

Hand Cut Croissants

Last week I attempted to make some croissants using all levain. Maybe my mojo was off. They were just awful. My friends on Facebook, bakers who do this all day, were aghast and asked, in fact, if it the batch was actually created by my goldfish. Well, my friends, I...