Ancient Grass and Grains Bread

The loaf started was fermented with a rye, buckwheat sour dough. The remainder of the flour mix  was varying  percentages of local farmed wheat, barley and Castelvetrano grano duro from Molini del Ponte in Sicily. Buckwheat is a pseudo cereal, more a seed...

T80 Miche

T80 Miche is the name of  the master loaf of baker Thierry Delabre. Below are my adaptions. T80 flour isn't always easy to find, but you can substitute 80% whole wheat and white wheat that you sift once. The results were a happy loaf; great...

Amylase This

Where autolyse is a traditional bread baking technique used to break down gluten and lessen the kneading process, amylase are the enzymes that empower that process. Having observed weak flour in recent autolyzed loaves (e.g. no open crumb, failure to easily absorb...

Mojo Rising, Sourdough Croissants

For a long time in proofing croissants, I've used levain rather then adding commercial yeast. Call it purity or foolishness, I call it a challenge. If you don't remember, here's proof of the batch that blew open the doors to my fermentation nirvana....

Mixed Grain Bread

Down to my few hundred grams of flour from Sicily, here's what I made, a New York state stoned ground wheat, semolina di rimacinata (organic) with the grano duro integrale from Molini del Ponte in Castelvetrano!