I gave my first test to a batch of acorn bread, shared recently here by Barbara. Having ordered the acorn flour online, it arrived early afternoon. Using a vigorous levain, I started my first bake with it a few hours later, then baked late that night. The results were...
Out of bagels, I made a batch at home, going with the Montreal formula. In otherwords, no salt! Some folks say Montreal bagels lack the chew of those made in New York. Hah! These days it's hard to find a decent commercial bagel that is actually made in New York...
This version of friselle come from the Sorelle Simili book, Pane e Roba Dolce. It's made with a three times refreshed sourdough, and a long final proof. Lighter then my previous versions, here I mixed Sicilian semola and American wheat. Can't wait...
I miss my Cuisinart bread oven! Outfitted with stone tiles, and cranking up to 500, it was my path to decent loaves and efficient delivery during my fledgling days as micro baker. Fast forward to today, when building problems means no source...
photo by Leigh Quinnell Romanian-born Raluca Micu is the owner/baker of West London's OCTOBER 26, a one woman bakery that specializes in sourdough. Having studied marketing in college, and completed a Masters in public relations,...