Amber Lambke

Amber Lambke

Amber Lambke   AmberLambke is founder and CEO of Maine Grains in Skowhegan Maine. I first introduced myself to her as micro-baker, chef and blogger back in 2014. Since then Maine Grains has grown leaps and bounds. I have been waiting to figure out how to get...

Øland Flour

Found this bag of Øland flour at the Union Square market. I'm impressed and it made great bread.   

Revolution Bread Enkir

Always experiment. Or so it's said. And so I did recently, the results being this tight specimen. My thanks to Eli Colvin from Revolution Breads for sharing his Enkir formula, giving me a base to explore.   Here's the mix

Tasting Danish Rye

Having learned the Danish method for making rye bread, I had to share the results. My sous chef and breakfast cook were not quite as fond of it, as me, commenting that they felt it wasn't fully baked. They ended up toasting it, then slathering Swedish lingonberry...

Rye Work

Working on my rye breads, I found the loafs gushing like a molten volcano from the pan! No worries. I scraped and refilled like a stone mason, going to work again. The second time went better. It was a rye using Ian Lowe's multigrain formula, tweaked by...