Bake Maiorca

As any regular reader here knows, I'm a big fan of using ancient grains. And you may have also noticed, I also don't always find it easy. That said, I'm also the world's leading lazy baker (or one of 'em), so sometimes...

Pan Loaf

Below are shots of a loaf bread using commercial yeast. It's in the whole grain mode, using a healthy portion of sprouted wheat and Swedish ølandsvete (whole wheat) flour. Forgetting to oil my pan loaf, there was a bit of tear in the side when I attempted to...

Biscotti Maiorca

Having been told that maiorca flour can be used to make cannoli shells, I used it to make a batch of petit beurres cookies. The results were not quite a sable, more or less a digestive biscuit, nice to dip into your espresso or warm milk.  Next time...


My friends at Gustiamo asked if I would test some new Sicilian flour. Heading up to the Bronx to meet their crew, I got a chance to meet a hero of mine, Rick Easton! Not just that – we actually got to enjoy one of Rick's freshly baked focaccias, a...

Rye Work

Working on my rye breads, I found the loafs gushing like a molten volcano from the pan! No worries. I scraped and refilled like a stone mason, going to work again. The second time went better. It was a rye using Ian Lowe's multigrain formula, tweaked by...