Maiorca Batard

My boulanger friend Thierry in Paris got his hands on some Maiorca flour and fiddled about with this heritage Sicilian grain recently. I snapped up my last bag I'd gotten from Gustiamo, and followed course. I wanted to try his version, my own efforts before I...

Heritage Bread

With three types of heritage and ancient grain flours in my larder, (Miracolo, Pane Nero, Red Turkey) I mixed the loaf with a semola-rimacinata, liquid starter. With little time to play or take notes, it went into my fridge for a cold bulk ferment. The next day I...

Fresh Flour

Steve Horton is a Minnesota-based baker and miller. His company Baker's Field mills locally-produced grains. In addition, he runs a bakery using his own flour. His flour isn't cheap but I splurged on three 4 lbs-pound bags. Wow, it was worth it, given it...

The Warmth of Semolina

Semolina can bring in sun and flavor to a long, hard winter. Recently I considered  panelle Palermintina, Sicilian chickpea fritters. Instead, I made this fabulous semolina dough, inspiration borrowed from my friend Susan's blog. Try it,...

Wood-fired Pizza Oven

Visting my brother in California, I was jazzed to use his backyard wood-fired pizza oven. Of course, before using it, we had to have one of our arguments. First we wrestled about my hydration techniques and his choice of flour. Then we continued the battle to where we...