Based in Charleston, South Carolina, Cypress is prize-winning restaurant that also runs the Artisan Meat Share. Bob Cook is Chef de Cusine at both. Growing up in the mid-west, his first kitchen job was as a teenager at local golf club in Harbor Springs, Michigan. By...
Often used for sweet breads (like Panettone), here's a technique I had seen Beesham Soogrim try. And more recently, baking writer Sam Fromartz brought it up. You place a firm sourdough in a container of water. Once risen, it is ready to use. It's known as a...
I'm back making home made beer. My first efforts were flat. This effort I was more diligent in following directions from my fermentation kit. After a few days short of two weeks brewing in the bottle, I popped one open. Not quite as smokey as the Spanish beer...
Fruit water yeast with a double fed formula from The Bread Bakers Guild of America newsletter, by Jeffrey Hamelman. Taking these to a friend in California. Can't wait to cut into it!
Landbrot is the quintissential country loaf, often with rye, and wheat combinations. Add in some Sauerkraut, landbrot is a hardy, moist bread for sandwiches. My latest adaption of sauerkraut bread, was switching kimchee for sauerkraut, confusion, hmm,...