
Below are photos of the bread I entered for the event Plötziade, inspired by blogger, baker Lutz Geißler. It took his direction and several tries to get it. 

Kurzsauer Holzofenbrot

Recently I made a holzofenbrot, a wood fired loaf created from short sourdough method - Berliner kurzsauer. What results!  And in such a short time, too! Just the kind of bread when pinched for time and looking to a typical sourdough profile. 

Schwarzer Hamster (Black Hamster) Bread

I've been working with this dough for years, intrigued by everything about it, starting with its quirky name and seeds. I never got it perfect. Till now. This time using BreadStorm's calculator, and re-reading the links from my co-post with Susan for...

Muesli Brot

Amongst my notes, I found a formula a friend passed to me for muesli bread made with wheat. Given to me with the understanding that it's "hush-hush," from a bakery I can't "name," I rushed to try it. Though I've previously made versions...

Slice of Germany

I have a real hankering for German bread lately. It may come from nostalgic memories of living there, or just from an overstock of rye on a recent flour purchase. Not a problem. And with a local butcher in my neighborhood who makes good wurst and Westphalian ham,...