Basler Brot

Waxing for some Swiss bread,  I whipped up a "Basler Brot." Like most breads made in Switzerland, it has its own distinctive flavor. This bread, made with an extracted wheat flour, is said to be shaped like the city of Basel and its...

Dunkles Landbrot

It's autumn, reminding me that rye is a flavor tailored for cooler weather and the warm sensuality of charcuterie! Wanting a fresh loaf to enjoy at home, I put together this bread with inspiration from a German book given to me years ago by my...


Even though I've attended many inspiring classes with great bakers and chefs, I never thought of myself as ever becoming a teacher, myself. But recently my friend Daniele (from Gustiamo) asked if I could help her put to use a piece of Italian levain that she had...

Müesli bröt

My friend recently asked me a simple formula for müesli bröt. I had  a few tested formulas, one straight yeast and the other sourdough. The yeasted one though I decided to tweak and use sourdough . Below are shots of the end product. It turned out well,...

Kimchee Landbrot

Landbrot is the quintissential country loaf, often with rye, and wheat combinations. Add in some  Sauerkraut, landbrot is a hardy, moist bread for sandwiches.  My latest adaption of sauerkraut bread, was switching kimchee for sauerkraut, confusion, hmm,...