Schwarzer Hamster Rye

Wanting a seeded rye, specifically a Schwarzer Hamster, I backtracked to Backer Suepke's welt, the Thuringian master of rye, wheat and a multitude of baked necessities. Then I got some Abruzze rye, (something between a medium grind and a 00 milled flour),...


Visiting Switzerland this past summer, one of our day trips led us through the alps to an open-air museum in the town of Ballenberg. Celebrating the local region, it included a terrific exhibit on the milling of local flour and the baking of local breads. 

The Jura Toaster

While visiting my sister in Switzerland, I was introduced to Jura, a Swiss brand toaster that is designed for more than looks. It produces a unique flavor. Check it out.   

Emmer and Wheat Loaf

After previous mistakes attempting a double-baked Austrian bread, I up with this loaf using emmer and wheat. It was good! Here's a German baking website that gives you good tips, such as this wheat and emmer "brot" (aka bread).  ...

Backer Knöebel – Summer Trip Post #2

I met German baker René Knöebel at a Swiss food chain named Migro's in a village near my sisters'. He let me take photographs of his shop, It's great.  Here's the baker and some brot!