Beer Is A Bread That Is Drunk

"La bière est un pain qui se boit"-Georg-Christoph Lichtenberg While brewing some beer, I kept the spent grain to make a bread with the malted grains. I adapted a formula from Wolfgang Süpke, using a mixed rye and wheat starter, and some smoked ale...

T80 Miche

T80 Miche is the name of  the master loaf of baker Thierry Delabre. Below are my adaptions. T80 flour isn't always easy to find, but you can substitute 80% whole wheat and white wheat that you sift once. The results were a happy loaf; great...

Amylase This

Where autolyse is a traditional bread baking technique used to break down gluten and lessen the kneading process, amylase are the enzymes that empower that process. Having observed weak flour in recent autolyzed loaves (e.g. no open crumb, failure to easily absorb...

Sprouted Grains

Sprouted grains, once considered the province of hippies and esoteric foodies, today have captured the imagination of mainstream bakers. Basically it’s about treating grains as vegetables – growing them into plants, then grounding them into malt, milling...

Pane Nero #1

Since I first tried Pane Nero di Castelvetrano, a traditional Sicilian bread, I wanted to substitute sour dough for the commercially yeasted biga (pre-ferment), as it seemed to me it would enhance the characteristics of this wonderful heritage bread. In the version...