This loaf below is called "Pain Juif," which translates not surprisingly to Jewish-style bread. Think of it as a challah minus sugar or honey. It does demands eggs and oil, but is made exclusively with durum flour. That said, I made a batch using wheat-based...
Pane Francese is an Italian nod to French baguettes. Below is my micro-bakery attempt, which led to a somewhat wobbly (almost unmanageable) loaf, even after mixing, autolyse and folds. My dough was a quick proof that I tried shaping like a baguette. I ended up with...
Binge baked all weekend. Even with my notebook open, after starting a levain and stashing it in the fridge, hours later I found myself forgetting which dough it was. But weighing it and checking my spreadsheets, it was clearly a semolina. So I finished the dough, used...
After reading an article about Tartinery, a NYC bread-themed restaurant, I decided to go have a look. What intrigued me within the article was the owner's bemoaning of difficulties procuring Poilainé bread, as well as his search for a local replacement....
The Phoenix rises from crusty-ashes of an oven – all to say that my micro-baking is reborn. Stay tuned, as I report on my concentrated focus on creating great, marketable loaves of bread from the hot innards of my home kitchen. Watch me heavy-eyed and...