Waste Not Want Not

Below is a recent shot of Sullivan Street Bakery owner/baker James Lahey. Stopping by to say hello, I found him working on  an interesting batch of bread for an event dubbed #waSted. It’s a pop up event at Blue Hill which will be devoted to the theme of food...

Yohan Ferrant

Yohan Ferrant is a terrific baker who now lives in Spain.  Originally from France, he has worked many places, including London's acclaimed St. John Bread & Wine. I met him in on/in the global capital so many of us...

Burnt Ancient Grain Bread

In my last effort baking home toasted grano arso bread, I mixed barley and semola rimacinata. The results were less than stellar. This time I adjusted the formula, using a highly active levain, semola rimacinata, as well as a grano Miracolo from Molino Grassi, an...

Three Bakers

Facebook Groups may never offer an alternative to a real kitchen, but recently I had the chance to use this 21st century technology platform for a pan-ocean collaboration. Working with Thierry Delabre in Paris and Marcos Cerutti in Rio de Janeiro, it allowed the three...


Babka and Mackowiec are East European bakery favorites of mine. Sadly, in today’s New York City, where neighborhood bakers are now just a memory, these pastries are usually relegated to hazy nostalgia versus the experience of an actual savory bite. What’s...