Il Trucco Mio (Anatomy of a loaf)

One thing I like mostly is making bread that other bakers define as their best. One such is Sullivan Street Bakery’s truccione saré. Here’s mine.

Extreme – A Bread

Extreme is the name of a Basque country bread I fell in love eating while visiting Spain’s Donostia (aka San Sebastian) area three summers ago. With coaching from Egoitz Fagus, a friend made on that visit, I have tried several times of replicating this bread...

Inspired & waSTED

For three weeks, Blue Hill restaurant in Greenwich Village temporarily reinvented itself as wastED, a pop-up devoted to the theme of food waste and re-use. wastED collaborated with local farmers, fishermen, distributors, processors, plant breeders, producers,...

Una Serata Divina

Enjoyed a delicious evening hosted by Italian food importers Gustiamo, along with guests like the multi-talented (writer, Italian tour guide cooking teacher), Judy Witts Francini. The deliciousness ranged from appetizers like "zibibbo citrus cocktail to...

Buns Crossed

Though the weather may not be showing agreement, the calendar says it’s Spring! Time for Passover and Easter, which means matzoh and hot cross buns. More lovely excuses to bake and make my micro-bakery customers happy!