Lafah Wrap

Lafah bread is the perfect wrapping for mezze and appetizers – or anything that makes a sandwich. Here are some photos of how me and my kitchen staff enjoy Lafah wraps this week at work.

Bread For Jonitin

Finally after all these years blogging with my partner here, Jonitin Field, yielding to his endless harping on my over-nuanced bread geekiness ("I kinda thought when I came to you with this idea, the idea was a food blog, not a bread blog – am I missing...


After  trying panino from Pan’Ino, I wanted to try to replicate some at home. Below are shots of a batch of “pane ramerino” and “ciabatta di latte.” The former (ramerino) are Tuscan buns made with raisins, rosemary, and pignoli. I made a...

Sunrise Flour

Sunrise Flour Mills, located in Minnesota, makes great flours. I only found out from an Italian baker living in Sweden named Barbara Elisi. I ended up ordering four bags of their Red Fife Bolted and Turkey Red, both refined wheat. So far I’ve had some amazing...

Twist bread (Chnuspi)

Visiting Switzerland years ago, Basel's bakery Zoller brothuus was a place that inspired me. Now gone, I recently longed for their chewy, seeded twists called Chnuspi. Originally yeasted, I made a batch from sourdough, and borrowed shaping techniques borrowed from...