I gave my first test to a batch of acorn bread, shared recently here by Barbara. Having ordered the acorn flour online, it arrived early afternoon. Using a vigorous levain, I started my first bake with it a few hours later, then baked late that night. The results were...
No barbeque so far this summer, but I did get some marvelous wiesswurst at my butcher the other day. The only thing missing was some brotchen! So I pulled out a bread school formula and whipped up a batch. Here's what I got! Das schmeckt gut!
No bread? That's not an option for an obsessed baker. No gas? Well, focus on a smaller batch and in a smaller oven! Here are some breads I managed to pop out!
You’re an Italian living in Sweden, tell us about yourself? I left Rome to do medical research in Sweden, but not only. I was also in search of a more peaceful and orderly place to live. Stockholm was, and still is, my dream town. I feel at home here. How did you...
I just got Elisia Menduni's new book Antico Forno Roscioli. To remind you, the book is named for the bakery and restaurant I visited in Rome several times. Skimming through the well documented and photo filled book, I recognized some of the dishes and breads...