Tasting Danish Rye

Having learned the Danish method for making rye bread, I had to share the results. My sous chef and breakfast cook were not quite as fond of it, as me, commenting that they felt it wasn’t fully baked. They ended up toasting it, then slathering Swedish...

Rye Class

I attended a baking  class at Meyer’s Bagerei in Long Island City, taking a short course in baking rugebrod 100-percent rye. Instructor Rhonda Crosson, Meyer’s head baker, is responsible for introducing Claus Meyers’ Danish breads to New York....


Despite recently purchasing an oven with a built-in proofer, a recent bake still resulted in what's known as a "blow out."  A blowout is when the inner core temp of a dough isn't quite ready to bake. It results in an awful lot of un-even...

It’s About the Starter

While cleaning out my walk-in at work, I found what looked like a dormant starter. I refreshed it with water, flour and a bit of sugar. All the while, I hoped it could be revived. Overnight in a cold kitchen, what could happen? Voila, lots of action. So much for...

Nordic Rye NYTimes

Seeing a Nordic rye recipe in the NYTimes, I gave it a try.  I followed all the steps. But I also lowered the hydration, thinking otherwise I would have ended up with pancake batter. That said, I also signed up for a rye-making class. And until it starts, I’ll...