Kougelhopf, an Alsatian classic that is something between cake and bread, is perfect with hot coffee. Yes, it's summer and the city streets are baking. But I'm gonna bake something, too, and kougelhopf is on my taste buds. They're on fire, as is my...
Often I complain of awful bakes, blaming either my work schedule or things like my starter. The truth is usually I am just a lazy baker. Recently I read Bread Magazine article on sourdoughs by Barbara Elisi and Ian lowe. It's terrific (issue 21)...
Below are shots of a loaf bread using commercial yeast. It’s in the whole grain mode, using a healthy portion of sprouted wheat and Swedish ølandsvete (whole wheat) flour. Forgetting to oil my pan loaf, there was a bit of tear in the side when I attempted to...
Challatone. Hey, friends, take notice, we’re introducing a new entry to the world stage of lazy baking. It started with no premonition of greatness. And even if it never reaches real glory, hey, it’s interesting. See, I had a sweet dough refreshed and...
Here’s a challenge. Say this out loud; “Pane carasau con le uova.” My publisher Jonathan tried this feat several times. He gave up after on his fifth attempt, he walked into his kitchen wall. Kinda funny given it describes a wonderful comfort food. ...