Pane Nero like Alessandro

Seems I missed Torino baker Alessandro Spoto on his visit to New York. It had me hankering to learn how he produces his renowned version of the Sicilian bread classic, Pane Nero. It's a terrific heritage bread that can be tough to get right....

The Warmth of Semolina

Semolina can bring in sun and flavor to a long, hard winter. Recently I considered  panelle Palermintina, Sicilian chickpea fritters. Instead, I made this fabulous semolina dough, inspiration borrowed from my friend Susan’s blog. Try it, yourself, bringing on...

Semola 2.0 – Inspiration From Carlo di Christo

I have long followed baker Carlo di Cristo’s insane “holey breads.” When I found he was sharing formulas on his new website for Soulcrumbs, I had to give them a go. His method includes a long, slow fermentation followed by a period of retarding. I...

Emmer and Wheat Loaf

After previous mistakes attempting a double-baked Austrian bread, I up with this loaf using emmer and wheat. It was good! Here's a German baking website that gives you good tips, such as this wheat and emmer "brot" (aka bread).  ...

Baking For New Years

Chilly weather, orange-haired terror in the White House, and now I’m heading into the New Years with an acidified un-refreshed sourdough. Kind of caps the year, no? Truth is I did get a few days off from work to kick back and bake. And I’ve come to a...