Zopf is something between challah and brioche, main difference, it’s less enriched or sweet, and it’s from Switzerland. Sundays were the days we’d enjoy zopf at my sisters along with gipfeli (croissant). Generally it’s a yeasted loaf and so I...
The latest issue of Bread Lines featured kaiser rolls. It led me to make a batch of “Buffalo NY classic Kimmel weck, using a yeasted sponge, mixed grain flour, and sourdough approach. A good rise and quick bake made for some lovely rolls.
Pavé describes a stone road, those famous ones ridden during the classic bicycle race Paris Roubaix (The hell of the north). It’s also a term for a simply shaped brick loaf of bread. While this dough rose, I took a nap. What I got was a light and crusty loaf...
Below is a shot of my results at Soul Crumbs’ Pane Nostrum (our daily bread). Keeping in mind the mantra, “baking differently.” While off on timing, I seemed to get a light, airy, holey loaf and crusty crumb.