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Fish from the water

In New York City, ordering fish from a purveyor, I never know who caught it and where. Basically you're at the mercy of your buyer. When I travel to Ecuador, the entire food experience is in your face, giving the sights and smells from land and sea. Take a morning...

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Lack of a loaf, my reflection on Ecuadors bread.

Vacationing in Ecuador, I knew that I was going to be one miserable camper. Not because of ceviçhe, amoebas, or even relatives. No, it was the lack of good honest bread. In hot countries near the equator,(correct me if I am wrong, someone, please!) sourdough doesn't...

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A fishing village,(Puerto Lopez, Ecuador)

Our journey to Puerto Lopez on the Pacific coast took us on an old road, rather bumpy and surprisingly without a lot of traffic. I found out later the driver we hired had an urge for some sort of dish at a local spot, a aguado de pato,(duck stew). When we arrived, the...

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