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Creating a "grigne" (aka "ears) in a bread can add real panache to the sight of a bread. And creating a double grigne to give a bread opposing "ears" is relatively easy.  But the process can also be "double edged sword."  You may think aesthetics important in baking,...

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Sourdough Croissants

To perfectly laminate croissants with a dough fermented using wild yeast, that has been sort of a  "Holy Grail" for me. My latest attempt, tweaked, hand rolled and cut were a huge success. Whoooohooo! Or Holy Moley! It's been a journey, and finally...

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Comparing Pizza Dough

Pizza dough might be consider akin to scripture in Italy, especially within what's known as Napoletanismo culture. I've spent a long time playing with such scriptures, exploring a range of pizza doughs whenever opportunities arise. And when he's visiting New York from...

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Companatico Bread

Bread blogger Barbara Elisi, a Roman baker living in Sweden, recently explored the meaning of companatico. From Latin "cum panis" (with bread) she explained that it comes from the same ethymology as compagno; friend. As in friend with whom...

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Longer Proof Pizza

A pizza friend recommended, Pivetti Farina di grano tenero 'OO."   This Italian flour is ideal for pizza, boasting itself as such on its packaging. Given the company has been around since 1879, who am I to argue? Anyway, with a sourdough first try, I found it quite...

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