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Mick Hartley Offers Me A Lesson In Conversions

My friend and bread guru Mick Hartley once showed me a method to convert from yeast to wild yeast. Here is a file I found from many years back that I think is a good share for budding bakers. Dear Jeremy, You're being a lazy boy. I've done that at least twice on Mr...

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Swiss Levain – Summer Post Trip #4

When I arrived in Lampenberg, Switzerland to visit my sister, my sister had a container of sourdough /levain waiting for me. When I popped the lid, the aroma was... well, "unique." Apparently she had given it a dose of home-made pine syrup. Shots below can't capture...

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Inspired by Ian Lowe, I've been adapting Gaston Lenotre's brioche with sourdough. It wasn't easy given the handicap of baking at home in my tiny Breville counter oven (the building's gas is down). Meanwhile, Semilla's Pamela...

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I have been having problems with my rye sourdough. The final product has tended to be super dense, acid, or just dead on arrival. What was wrong? I queried Quentin Berthonneau, whose advice reminded me of previous input from Kamel Saci. Smart minds think alike, I...

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