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60/40 Rye

Since I've got my rye levain perked and regularily refreshed these days, I decided to use Dieter Buschman's Sauerteig rechner ( sourdough calculator). Perhaps I'll try various percentages of rye/wheat till I get to a total of 100 percent rye. In the...

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Short sauer

Serving in the U.S. Army in Germany, I always meant to get to Berlin. It never happened, so, in the meantime, I try to exact the science of a "kurz sauer, a sourdough Berliner bread. It's a path towards baking mildly acid loaf bread with a bit of commercial...

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Ein klassiches Deutches Roggenbrot

Once you get a handle on rye breads and the mystery of German baking, you'll return for the moist and deep flavors that permeate from a grain that's more or less a grass. Thankfully I got a copy of Nil's E- book, "Brot," over at his blog, The...

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Schrot für dammt!

I've been recovering from a kidney stone incident that hit me over the holidays. But it hasn't slowed me down in the baking department. Been toying with the idea of putting together another old soaker rye bread, after coming upon Herr Süpkes...

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I have failed baking landbrot bread. All to say, I went 100 percent roggenmischbrot, (100 percent rye, with mixed grains).  Maybe becasue I've been having an omega craving - satisfying it with everything from  pickled herring to Spanish bouquerones. I...

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70/30 Rye

Notes from the pages of my French Culintary Institute class in German bread baking are cluttered with numbers, percentages, and flour types. Recently I had the urge to return and see whether, now years later, I can make these breads again, only better.  The...

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