Susan of wild yeast just posted a story about how her longtime dislike for rye changed after a class demo at SFBI, where she gave in to its flavor palette of earthy chewiness. Along with Nils from Inversecook, whose rye loaves - whether plain, or with hemp, seeded,...
Our Favorite
I got the munchies for some Patlican salatasi and pide!
While in Istanbul, among the terrific dishes I tried was a great eggplant salad. Besides being just damn good, it's also damned healthy. So I wanted to share the recipe, along with its partner pide, a flat bread that accompanies any good Turkish meal. Patlican...
Pâté, a meat loaf a primer.
Trying to get a recipe for pâte, my friend Brad shared a terrific primer on rural French hunting traditions, as seen here in tips on wild boar pâté. But while fun to read and imagine, Brad's instructions were better set in a country forest than the jungles of New York...
Hot tamales
Tamales with pulled brisket and chilies, not your average summer meal...but if you have a bit of braised brisket leftover from Passover in the freezer, why not make use of it? That is what I did today, with some easy masa dough, some dried chilies, onions, garlic and...
Sweet potato tortillas
Being summer and we are winding down towards our august vacation and it is sort of slow around work, I decided to make some pork carnitas with refried beans for staff meal. But I had no tortillas. Not to to be dissuaded from my menu plan I decided on some flour...
When it's cherry-harvest season it makes me mad I am not eating the lovely red fruit from my sister's Swiss orchard. I hope she has a moment to give this classic of the Limousin region in France a try. One of my first cooking books was Paul Bocuse In your kitchen, a...
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