Plantains are a favorite of mine. They're also still cheap at this time. Why not use them for simple meals that are nutritious and a healthy carb that's fiber rich and will keep you regular! Plantain tortillas Ingredients 2 green...
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Plantain Bread
Dan Lepard had an interesting version of a slider bun, the rage for mini burgers. I adapted it for my obsession for a soft bread roll common in Latin markets, but with a twist, using plantain flour. Plantains, a staple in Latin America, are fried, boiled,...
Plantain, a story and recipe.
As my last post pointed out, I'm taking my summer break in Puerto Lopez, Ecuador, made famous by Anthony Bourdain, but also home to a new restaurant started by my own familia. Namely my wife and her brother. I'm here to help open it. From one kitchen...
Terremoto….uh oh, is that my bed moving?
A few days ago I woke up in the middle of my working vacation in Puerto Lopez, Ecuador....That morning reminded me of a scene from the exorcist; my bed was shaking and there were thumping sounds. My first thought that it was the hotel guests above who were in...
When I was a kid, bananas were always yellow and sweet. But in my 30 years working alongside Latin American cooks and traveling to my wife's homeland of Ecuador, I have learned lots about bananas, especially the versatility of the plantain, the starchier and less...
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