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Sometimes viewed as a pizza, other times a tarte, the "pissaladiere" is a Mediterranean treat with equal stake in Italy and France.  And with its base of flavors of earth and sea, the pissaladiere is a treat that might define all what's delicious...

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Breaking Pizza Rules

After five days in my fridge at work, this Napoletana dough defied expectations of being acidic. I ended up with a delicious tasting and lovely looking pizza. 

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Skura Sour Dough Pie

Using the final bit of grams left of Skura flour, (and disregarding the advice of Antonino Esposito) I made a sourdough pizza. I gave the dough a long bulk ferment  (over 40 hours), and then allowed it to it sit for four more hours after making the pizza....

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My Verace Napoletana Pizza

Verace Napoletana is the organization that lays out guidelines for this terroir based pizza. I did my best to follow them. Honestly? I strayed considerably, while paying attention to the codefied weight parameters of the ingredients.  I still I got some nice...

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Sourdough Pizza

Some simple steps described below should get you there.  Hydrate the flour Add the rest and knead Ferment Leaven Make dough balls More fermentation and Levitation Don’t break your wrists, make love!

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Cold Proof Pizza

Recently I made up a pretty standard Napoletano pizza dough with the last bit of my grano arso and "Skura flour." I cold proofed the dough for 42hours, and was surprised by the strength and flavor enhanced by giving it so many hours....

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