Retarded pizza dough usually will last a week, at most. After five days it frequently degrades into a wet and dying mass. In my latest workplace test on ghetto pizza dough, I had some success with a three-week old batch, getting the most delicious, best looking pies...
Our Favorite
Colony Grill
Whenever I'm in Stamford, Connecticut, I hear my brother's voice urging me, "go to Bo-Bo's," otherwise known as the Colony Grill and a favorite pizza place of mine. Suffering blocked sinuses, I headed over and ordered their "stinger," a chile laden pizza pie....
Ghetto Oven
I failed on a recent pizza attempt at work, so I went back to the oven. Here's my newest take; heat the tiles but lower the direct flames. The idea is to mimic a wood burning oven by heating the tiles on one side while broiling and charring the pies. Here is what I...
Ian Lowe – More Than A Slice Of Bread
Ian Lowe, posting here (Instagram @apieceofbread,) offers more than great photos. He delivers an array of amazing baking information! Before he started sharing so generously on Instagram, he had a wonderful - albeit short lived - blog, Ars Pastoria. Ian's pizza...
February Pizza Bake
Below are photos from a long-ferment sourdough pizza. I started with a 12 hour bulk, then shaped and fermented it for over 36 hours. Leaving the dough in ambient room temperature (fairly cold this particularly frigid February), it turned out spectacularly. Even with...
Wood Burning Stove Pizza (minus the wood burning stove)
At work, we lack a wood fired pizza oven. What we do have is an oven that manages beautifully at 900 degree. Here's some overnight Verace Napoletano pizza I made at work for New Years eve lunch for the kitchen crew.
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