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Voglio mangiare pizza!

Okay, yet another post on pizza. Okay I like pizza. Oh, sorry, you know that. Anyway, today's pizzas are so much more sophisticated (complicated?) than the pies that typified "a slice" back when I was a kid. Don't ask my age, but while I can't...

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Paulie Gee’s

Pizza is as New York as it is Italian. Even within those geographies, it comes in all sizes, shapes, doughs, sauces. But there is one Big Apple pizzaria that struck me as particularly interesting... Paulie Gee's. Since first hearing about it...

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Pizza of the week

One of my job perks is working on an old-school broiler oven. It burns as hot as a wood burning stove. Very hot! That oven is used for most anything cooking on our line. One of my favorite uses is making a seriously singed and crusty pizza, the type you'd find at...

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Bo Bo’s (Colony Grill Pizza)

Pizza, I make it, I eat it, and I have always enjoyed it. It's finger friendly food, made for simple pleasure or a family gathering or just with friends. Over the years, pizza has evolved via artisanal  style pies. But my real favorite started in a town I lived in...

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For the love of pizza!

You know those food warnings on labels; carbs, fat, etc.? All those media hyped stories on the evils of this and that - well, it's enough to make you just stop eating. Or you can do what I do, just live and pay less attention to the 24-hour media cycle. Yet there...

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