Our Favorite
Pizza Dough – A Time Test
Not quite sure about the effects of extreme fermentation to pizza dough, I did a test. It consisted of leaving two balls of dough for more then a week in my fridge. Then I used them. It was amazing to find that my 46-hour fermented dough - left a week in the fridge -...
Pizzaiola Night
Every so often I get the pleasure of playing pizzaiola. What's that? It's an annual workplace ritual every spring event, the pre-cursor to impending summer slow down. Following an evening of finger foods, we enjoy a baccanalian dive into crazed pizza baking...
Stinging Nettles
While passing the lovely farmers market at Union Square, I decided to buy some stinging nettles. With just a handful, I was able to make three different things; pizza, pasta and pesto. In the case of pizza and pesto, I blanched and pureed the nettles first, keeping...
Quick Pizza
My on going tests with pizza brought me back to a formula I had used in the past; a direct yeasted dough, with the inclusion of milk and olive oil in its final form. It's a relatively quick dough to make ,and easy to handle. Without any dough slowly fermenting in my...
I Need An Oven
"You look like you are making some serious pizza. Might be time for you to build or buy a wood burner! I'd be glad to offer you advice and encouragement if you do." Paulie Gee...
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