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Autolyse Pizza

With little time to hangout and just bake before work, I still found time this last week to start a sourdough pizza dough. I decided to leave it roughly mixed in autolyse, then eight hours later, found a very bubbly bit of dough! I finished mixing and added my salt to...

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Longer Proof Pizza

A pizza friend recommended, Pivetti Farina di grano tenero 'OO."   This Italian flour is ideal for pizza, boasting itself as such on its packaging. Given the company has been around since 1879, who am I to argue? Anyway, with a sourdough first...

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Domenico Bianco’s Burnt Wheat Pizza

This past summer I met Domenico Bianco  a pizzaiola from Naples. He is a consultant for a food group who does worldwide training for pizzaoilas. Last week I had a chance to talk with him about all things fermented. He shared some photos and videos that showed...

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Gabrielle Bonci Comes To Brooklyn

Gabriele Bonci, known as "IL Giocolo Della Pizza." The famed Roman Taglio chef arrived for a string of demonstrations through this past weekend. I caught him at Paulie Gee's, an event hosted by Italian food writers Katie Parla and Elisia Menduni....

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Pizza to Pide

Experimenting with pizza dough, I found it easy to transform into a Turkish pide. With a bit of suçuk and accoutrements of cheese, tomato,egg and onion, it was fit for a good lunch!

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