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Known as "Guillotine a Saucisson," this French kitchen tool is tailor made to cut those fabulous hardened meats like saucisson sec. So easy to work with when you have a professional deli slicer. on the the typically dull home-based knife,...

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Pasta, such a simple food, comes in a multiplicity of shapes and choices. And it's easy to make at home. I have been working with KitchenAid hardware. Rumors say that the premier pasta maker is made by Arcobaleno. For now, the KitchenAid is working. These are a...

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A Bridge too far!

Bridge Kitchenware supply is no more, at least in NYC. On July 3rd they closed their 45th street location, which was where they had re-located it seemed like just like last year from their original store on 52nd Street. Steve, Mr. Bridges son, was busily packing up...

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