My recent loaf of bread with my milled kamut, I increased my levain to 50% in the final mix with a firm starter, which made for a lighter crumb, delicious and deep flavors. Depending on times, hydration and feeding schedule of levains , this was...
Our Favorite
Durum & Kamut
Since using both durum and kamut, I find very little noticeable differences so decided recently to to merge the two in baking some Sicilian semolina and a pane di Matera. I used the kamut as the fermentation in the form of a pasta madre, with 50% hydration. The...
Whole Grain Fanette
"La Fanette" is a bread I've made with and without success. This time I made what Thierry Delabre calls his "hobby levain," a firm starter at 50% hydration, all kamut rather then wheat. The spelt I used was whole grain, no white sifted or milled white spelt. The...
Fanette Bread
Since first attempting Roland Feuillas's infamous Fanette Bread, I wasn't satisfied with the end product. I've seen others baking it successfully; Thierry Delabre, who has coached me, as well as some other fantastic French bakers. It made me wonder if it's a terroir...
Kamut, the forgotten wheat…
Kamut is the trademarked name for Khorasan, which is an area known both as a province of Iran and a historical region that encompassed mileage from Turkey to Afghanistan. Kamut, on the other hand, is a grain, from the Middle East "known for its nutty...
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