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Staff meals can be dicey, as any choice on which you land faces the discriminating tastes of your kitchen crew. But comfort food usually satisfies the most picky eaters among my staff. These St. Louis BBQ ribs, made with a smoked rib rub and in a slow roast delighted...

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Bone Broth

Like other food  trends, bone broth confounds me.  It's promoted as a  wrinkle and waist reduction vehicle, sold as capable of quelling hunger pains via sips of warm gelatinous meat juice. Hmmmm. Not for me. But maybe for my wife. She's...

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Bubble and Squeak

Bubble and squeak is a British dish composed primarily of pan-fried cabbage and potatoes. Over time, people have varied the ingredients. Regardless, it's great comfort food. Rooted in the peasantry, it's a no waste dish perfect for refrigerator clean up with...

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Army Recipes

At work, I'm not just the chef. I am also the staff meal coordinator and resident baker. Recently I started using my old U.S. Army recipe cards from back when I was answered as Private Shapiro, Sir! Back in the days when getting creative with ingredients could...

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Riso Vialone

Pressed for time one evening, I was recruited by my wife to make some risotto with mushrooms picked up recently at a local farmers' market. Luckily I'd also recently acquired a can of Vialone nano rice. It led to a fabulous meal, the rice toothy and...

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Tamale Light

My wife incorporated her diet with bone broth, stock she makes from turkey necks and wings along with a split pigs trotter, and chicken feet for collagen oomph!  Anyway, this past Thanksgiving we used the left-over turkey for tamales with red mole. The meat was...

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