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Suzy Q Redux

Store bought snack food have been on my radar for sometime, reminding me of my childhood where processed foods, were a no-no. Anytime I'd sneak a taste, it was sinful bliss. One  in particular was Suzy Q's, a chocolate cake sandwiched with sweet white fluffy cream by...

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I finally made a proper batch of kimchi at home. David Lebobvitz's newsletter inspired me. In it, he described kimchi as "easy to make, difficult to mess up." Perhaps previous attempts at work (which were more messy than easy) were impaired by the stress of working in...

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Moqueca is a Brazilian fish stew that has interested me but I had yet to experience. In one of the evenings during the holidays, I decided to give it a try in my home kitchen. It's a lovely tropical dish described in song by Gal Costa, a Bahian singer, here in her...

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Last January I made a zampone. Well, almost ten full months later I took it out to enjoy with a pot of homemade lentil soup. What surprised me was the gelatin. It was perfectly clear. When I cut the cotechino, the mosaic speckled fat and meat. It was perfectly...

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Some dishes can stay in your imagination, the totality of their presence emerging within a millimeter of a moment. Such intensity led me to prepare yakisoba recently. I love this dish. And decided to feature it for my staff meal a few weeks ago. Though it's usually a...

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Le St. Urbain

In 2012, visiting Montreal, I met Marc-Andre Royal at his restaurant, Le St. Urbain et Bête à pain. For whatever reason, at the time, I did not try any of his food. For my recent Montreal visit, I made sure to make a date with Marc-Andre. He warned me, "this time...

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