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Grapeseed Flour

When I'd first purchased Richard Bertinet's book on bread, I'd remember seeing something about grapeseed flour from Canada. At the time, I thought it a bit of flash in the pan. Fast forward to now and Eli Colvin and Craig Ponsford have been singing its...

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Wild yeast Pre-Ferment

Wild yeast; it's a term used for levain, sourdough in general. But I just started using a different ferment; wild yeast or jefe vorteig (German for pre-ferment dough). I found this on Bernd's Bakery, a most interesting Swiss bakers site. I have used it a few times...

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Whole Grain Fermento

Looking through my emails, I came across message dating back four years, from my friend Teresa of Northwestsourdough. It was an explanation of adding grains in with sourdough overnight with part of the flour and a pinch of salt to keep the mix from going too sour....

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Wheat – Long & Wet

The other day I got to chatting with baker Eli Colvin of Model bakery about whole grain doughs. He described a dough he was testing, a 100 percent whole wheat. It's a dough with a long autolyse, a poolish of whole wheat, a levain of whole wheat with a total hydration...

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Rachel’s Zuchini Pickles

My sister Rachel is the epitome of a hard working mom; five perpetually hungry kids, a garden, orchard with trees to harvest, etc. etc. etc.. But whenever I visit her in Switzerland she always takes time to prepare delicious  meals; spatzle with cheese and onions,...

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Pass me the yeast

Away for a few days for July the 4th, my levains were chilling in my fridge dormant. When upon arriving home, I had no bread around. Yeast was my only way of rising any bread, so I opted to use Dan Lepards "easiest" bread formula from The Guardian Baking...

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