Download L'enologo Volgare Last summer visiting Sicily, I met wine maker Jacopo Nardi and his girlfriend, baker Esmeralda Spitaleri. I've invited him to tell us more at Stir the Pots about fermentation, enology and beer! How did...
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Swiss Levain – Summer Post Trip #4
When I arrived in Lampenberg, Switzerland to visit my sister, my sister had a container of sourdough /levain waiting for me. When I popped the lid, the aroma was... well, "unique." Apparently she had given it a dose of home-made pine syrup. Shots below can't capture...
Certain food have short seasons. Like ramps, for example. But what to do after the season with such vegetables? Try fermentation or pickling. Below are various of my efforts in pickling, including Persian cucumbers, cabbage, turnips,and kohlrabi choux croute. Great...
Lievito Madre
Often used for sweet breads (like Panettone), here's a technique I had seen Beesham Soogrim try. And more recently, baking writer Sam Fromartz brought it up. You place a firm sourdough in a container of water. Once risen, it is ready to use. It's known as a...
I'm back making home made beer. My first efforts were flat. This effort I was more diligent in following directions from my fermentation kit. After a few days short of two weeks brewing in the bottle, I popped one open. Not quite as smokey as the Spanish beer I'd...
Kimchee Landbrot
Landbrot is the quintissential country loaf, often with rye, and wheat combinations. Add in some Sauerkraut, landbrot is a hardy, moist bread for sandwiches. My latest adaption of sauerkraut bread, was switching kimchee for sauerkraut, confusion, hmm,...
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