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Sweet Starter

Sweet Starter

Blogging bakers Andrew Janjigian and Ian Lowe recently published a fabulous interview on sweet starters. They always give great advice. And though their approach takes time, in my experience their guidance consistently yields great results. I encourage bakers to read...

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Andrew Janjigian

Andrew Janjigian

  Photo credit : Melissa Rivard   Before devoting himself to baking, Andrew Janjigian worked in the biotech industry as an organic chemist. His background was probably great training for the world of baking bread, a...

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Sourdough Basics

Sourdough baking can be a challenge. Despite years practicing, I have frequently had disastrous results. The primary challenge? Perfecting the levain. When it fails, the starter can remind you of all your imperfections as a baker. Feed it like it's your child!

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I finally made a proper batch of kimchi at home. David Lebobvitz's newsletter inspired me. In it, he described kimchi as "easy to make, difficult to mess up." Perhaps previous attempts at work (which were more messy than easy) were impaired by the stress of working in...

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Pizza fermentation with sponges

Poolish (or sponges) is made from equal parts flour and water, along with variable amount of either yeast or sourdough. Lately I've started using it for breads and pizza. It's worked particularly well for pizza. I took cues from Salvatore Kosta at Foorn. I...

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Lievito Madre

The holidays led to spending a lot of time with lievito madre, the wonderful sourdough foundation of baking panettone. Refreshed and bathed to cleanse residual acidity, it demands three-hour feeds that are cycled in-between for double mixes. It comes with the need to...

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