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Per Se, no not the restaurant….but the Chef!

What do you do when all hands are on deck, you're in the mad crunch and the last table of two is a member who owns restaurants. Then, later after paperwork, cleaning and planning the next meal, your boss tells you none other then Thomas Keller was the guest of...

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Just like me to get on the pizza craze kind of late and miss out on Anthony Mangieri's famed Una Pizza Napoletano while he was still in NY. But not to worry, there is pizze  being made there again, that of Chef Mathieu Palombino at his new outpost  Motorino. It's...

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Small world

Yes I am endeavoring to cut back on social networking. Facebook. Twitter. The latest, Posterous. But it's fun when you see old friends, army buddies, and meet new food oriented people like, well, a lot of your readers. Recently, such networking reconnected me with Bob...

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Kenji Kume

  Whenever I have worked with other chefs, it's almost most always been me as the student or observer. Cooking tends to be competitive, and there isn't much time for making friends when you're trying to climb the so-called "ladder." ...

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