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Revisiting Pane Nero

After a visit to Gustiamo, I ordered some Sicilian flour. Tasting Pane Nero again reminded me I needed to approach making this bread differently. Here's what I got using a slow-food description and method, but with a poolish incorporating a sourdough  starter. It was...

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Inspired By Thierry Delabre

Last year while visiting Paris, I got to hang out with my talented friend Thierry Delabre in his bakery. Watching him work, he seemed preoccupied  about volume and the quality of his bakes. Since that visit I have been enjoying his Facebook posts of glorious...

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So what's a "muffuletta?" Well, it's certainly not the torpedo-shaped bread I wanted to make. And yet, what I got was much closer to the round, flat Sicilian-inspired sandwich bread known as muffuletta. Working with Sicilian lower protein flours, and...

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Yuca Bread Is Delicious Bread

Pan de yuca is basic bread to make with only a few basic ingredients; flour, eggs, butter and baking powder. A simple mix of wet and dry ingredients and no fermentation, just shape and bake. This is my second time making it. There's another version I want to try...

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Einkorn, is one of the oldest varieties of domesticated and cultivated wheat. It's made a revival with bakers, part of the current renaissance around "ancient grains". Popular in middle European countries, it's also known as enkir and le petit...

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Sauerteigbrot – Sixty-Forty Bread

Sauerteigbrot - or 60-40 bread - is my favorite German daily loaf. It has gluten strength and a rye-flavor imbued in every bite. Add in some malzstück to enhance  the equation and you get a juicy crumb and lusty crust,  enjoyed best when fresh-baked and...

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