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We love to bake!

My Corona

With the coronavirus making subway rides too dangerous, I spent the first week of the pandemic's emergence cycling to work from home. Fast forward a week, and now work has been shut down. Welcome to our world of snake oil merchants, the same spirit that stole our...

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Baba, which are rum-soaked yeast cakes, were a featured dessert on a party menu. I first made them while working with my chef Jean Michel. Together we turned them into savarin - a ring moulded variety with basically the same characteristics as the traditional baba....

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More Panettone

After my last post on panettone, I worried about future efforts. Inspired by a New York City visit of Linda Nicholson I made another batch. Hooray!

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Galette De Rois

Galette de Rois, the the kings cake, is surrounded by tradition. Traditionally, it is a sign of the end of Christmas. Interwoven with the baptism of Christ as well as the three Magi, it's a lovely French pastry of layered dough surrounding an almond cream filling....

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This Year’s Only Panettone

It's been a busy holiday season. That led to foregoing attention to my usual holiday panettone-making. When I finally got the time to tackle this favorite ritual, I ended up with multiple failures, all due to mistakes on timing and fermentation. Finally, one made the...

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