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We love to bake!

This Old dough

Since putting on a baker's hat at work I've noticed that it's impacted baking at home, namely leading to a smaller size of roll. Maybe it's the demands. At work there's so much hand work focused on the multiple serving batches, with lots of cutting, shaping and...

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Remembrance Of Things Past

Thinking a lot during the lock down and the slow re-opening has been interesting. It's sort of like restocking the brain. Besides giving me an opportunity to think through and refine skills, it's elicited multiple kitchen memories, especially around my mom. Looking at...

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The pandemic has taught me a lot about patience, including its importance in the kitchen. During some of my free time, I started a home bakery. The skills I picked up as hobby has allowed me to continue to learn and repeatedly practice repeatedly.... tinkering and...

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Lievito Madre

The holidays led to spending a lot of time with lievito madre, the wonderful sourdough foundation of baking panettone. Refreshed and bathed to cleanse residual acidity, it demands three-hour feeds that are cycled in-between for double mixes. It comes with the need to...

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Norwich Bread Made In Queens

A few years ago I left New York City and my Sunnyside apartment for a bread class in Norwich Vermont, home of King Arthur baking and flour. It also was home to King Arthur's Master baker, Jeffrey Hamelman. Recently I fished out my notes from the class to make his...

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Sara’s Banana Bread

Sara Owens of BK17 has a fabulous brown butter banana bread recipe made with sourdough. I have tried it twice at work. The kitchen staff loved it, as did customers, even people who didn't like bananas. Rye-based sourdough was key. This is a keeper...try it!

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