Today would have been John Lennnons 70th birthday and I was reminded that he wasn't only an incredible musician,activist, artist, etc., but a bread baker. His Playboy interview with David Scheff say's it all for me regarding bread. In an interview he even...
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We love to bake!
Uprising…mon histoire de pain – or my on going history with bread
It's been sometime since I started baking bread, inspired by a book by Dan Leader. Today, I am the guy who is known (not always happily) for leaving a trail of flour on kitchen counters, or stuffing the refridgerator with my levains. Call it a hobby, passion or just...
Chestnuts were once known as poor people's food, but to me they sing autumn, roasted or in desserts they are just lovely. Chestnuts are grown and popular in the Ardeche region of France, where they use it in breads. Chestnuts are not a commonly used flour, due to...
A blogger comes to visit….(Zen and the art of bread baking!)
Sometimes I dream of opening a neighborhood bakery. But right now I have a full time job as a chef. And weekends, when I'm not doing chores with my wife, visiting my mother, or riding my bike, I bake as much as I can. For now, I'm a bakery for a core audience...
Wähe a Swiss tarte.
It's likely when visiting my sister in Switzerland she will whip up some extraordinary traditional desserts, a quark kuchen, Baseler leckerli,Quarkkuchen mit shokolade striesel. One of my top favorites is wähe which is made with seasonal fruits,like apples or...
Pissaladiere a slight return
Not so long ago I posted about pissaladiere, that summer favorite from the Côte d'Azur. While visiting my mother recently, she urged me to take a turn at making one. Growing up, I used to watch her with interest as she cooked meals that weren't just delicious but...
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