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We love to bake!

Bostock (breakfast)

Leavng the army as a cook, my first lessons in a traditional working kitchen was as a prep cook. My duties were repetetive and monotonous, not the glamour I had imagined. Thankfully the army gave me that experience of just following orders, a mindset that allows you...

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Olive bread, part two

Since my last olive bread, I decided to give Chad Robertson's Tartine version a try. Lately I've experimented with various feedings, hydration levels ranging from liquid levain to drier 50-80 percent levains. Recently, I settled back to my old stand by...

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I have failed baking landbrot bread. All to say, I went 100 percent roggenmischbrot, (100 percent rye, with mixed grains).  Maybe becasue I've been having an omega craving - satisfying it with everything from  pickled herring to Spanish bouquerones. I...

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What I’ve been baking

Corn and chili levain, adapted from "Amy's bread" Pistolet, based on Pascal Rigo's pain complet from "American Boulangerie" Corn, rosemary, pepita bread, adapted from "Tartine" Bread book Miche adapted from "Bouley Bakery"

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Flaky Croissants, again…

Prior to attending  a one day croissant class at my alma mater, French Culinary Institute, I decided to give croissants a go, again. Previously, I had failed with straight levain and spelt. I thought that a wee bit of yeast would help. Or some points from...

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Bake off

Being on vacation, I've been trying multiple formula's from my school days years ago, rummaging from a gazillion bread spreadsheets - some from bakers I once bothered till they'd give up some bit of secret information, or something to give me guidance. And hope. What...

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