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We love to bake!

Baking Bread

Bread. Once you've baked a loaf, yourself, then acquired the concepts, techniques and methods, the process is a thourougly addictive habit. For me, the greatest pleasure are the stages. From the daily nuturing of a levain all the way to feeling the wet dough that...

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Desem is that weird Belgian levain that uses lots of flour; whole wheat to be exact. Recently, I started using it in my stiff levain formulas. So far, I have tried it in a currant anise dough adapted from Jeffrey Hamelman's Norwich sourdough. I crossed my fingers that...

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Cupcakes, who me?

Whether it's nostalgia or retro rehash run amok, cupcakes have become a ubiquitous part of New York City's specialty bakeries. To me, they have seemed a curse; the creation of bandana-wrapped,tattooed pastry decorators plopping grotesque colored frostings and...

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Layer Cake… yes, sir!

During the last year of my army hitch I was given the task of being the overnight baker in my mess hall. It was a strange but happy time. The first pleasure came from listening to Jimi Hendrix on my radio, as opposed to my sergeant  barking orders at me. But the...

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Panettone is that sort of in-between holiday's  sweet bread you find almost everywhere nowaday. At it's best, it means lovely pillows of yellow dough,studded with fruity goodness permeated with orangey essences, like fior di Sicilia for...

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Couronne Auvergnate

My bread buddy Judd, who lives and bakes bread in France, goes by the name "Captain Batard." His new blog is called The Weekend Loafer. Recently I thought I'd follow some of his creations, and try a version of "Couronne Auvergnate," only...

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