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We love to bake!

Buckwheat Tourte

In the past, I have made buckwheat crepes and bread. Up till now, I have never made a cake with it. Then I found one from a French blog, and although I tried it, it came into some difficulties and choices. For fat, I used olive oil instead of butter. And though the...

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Half Sprouted Wheat Bagels

Trying to improve the flavor and guilt-free feeling of noshing a bagel, I decided to do a straight formula splitting the white wheat with some sprouted wheat flour. Sprouted grain is said to be easier to digest, creates Vitamin C, increases enzyme activity, all to say...

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NY Cheesecake

Making some New York cheesecake at work, I was reminded of cookies made by Granny Barwick, sage of the back of the box" oatmeal cookies. Just as her perfect cookies started with a recipe from an Oatmeal box, you'll find some good tips on your cream cheese...

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Crossed Buns

Over the weekend I made hot cross buns. I've made them before with spelt and also with sourdough and with chocolate, just to give a decadent feel. I stayed traditional for the latest batch, just using yeast. During Lent, these buns have a religious meaning but may...

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Jeremy: Insanely Interested

For anyone who loves bread and baking, check out this wonderfully stylish magazine called Bread, whose recent issue includes a profile of Jeremy. Bread describes itself as is for "people who see bread as the king of the dinner table and who understand that breaking...

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Kranz Or Babka

I have yet to actually purchase Jerusalem, by Ottolenghi cook book authors Yotam Ottolenghi and Sammi Tamimi but, but I did skim it at a book store. What immediately stood out was their "kranz" or "babka." One it's an enriched bread. Second, it inspires Eastern...

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