Our Favorite


We love to bake!

Flan Parisien

When I first started to bake professionally, classic tarts were one of my favorites. Here is a favorite; flan Parisien. It's something that you'd find at your local boulangerie. It's no frou-frou mousse. Rather it's a rich milk and egg filling that is...

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Biscotti Gabriella

When your levain is at its peak, why not make some Castevetrano-inspired biscotti piccanti? Okay, it's a clunky question with no need to answer. But keep reading and I promise you deliciousness, inspired by Gabriela Becchina who's Instagam formula leads...

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Challatone – A Lazy Baker Creation

Challatone. Hey, friends, take notice, we're introducing a new entry to the world stage of lazy baking. It started with no premonition of greatness. And even if it never reaches real glory, hey, it's interesting. See, I had a sweet dough refreshed and ready, and...

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Bagels With A Side Of Angst

Following our government pulling us out of the Paris Climate Accords, you may (like me) want to drown your sorrows chewing a toasty bagel. Seriously, has anyone considered how climate changes may affect bread production? It would be interesting. Regardless, my latest...

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Breakfast Challenge

Here's a challenge. Say this out loud; "Pane carasau con le uova." My publisher Jonathan tried this feat several times. He gave up after on his fifth attempt, he walked into his kitchen wall. Kinda funny given it describes a wonderful comfort food.   When you don't...

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