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We love to bake!

Yohan Ferrant – Featured in a Great New Book

Respectus Panis is a terrific new baking book authored by a group calling themselves Les Ambassadeurs du Pain; Ambassadors of bread. Among the multiple recipes and bakers, it features Yohan Ferrant, one of the professionals who inspires me to bake "no-knead bread,"...

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Austrian Strudel

Back when I was a US Army private serving in Germany, I'd meet up with my dad. At the time, he was making his life as a painter in this country where he, too, came initially as an American soldier. Periodically we would take day-trips to Austria, often visiting...

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Baking In Guayaquil

Visiting Ecuador, Jaime, the owner of Guayaquil's Masa Madre Bakery, invited me over to bake in his kitchen. Together we made some sourdough, along with bagels and pizza dough. The goal on the bread was a better crumb. Using no vital wheat gluten, we produced some...

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Bake Maiorca

As any regular reader here knows, I'm a big fan of using ancient grains. And you may have also noticed, I also don't always find it easy. That said, I'm also the world's leading lazy baker (or one of 'em), so sometimes...

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Far Breton

Far Breton is a tart made with rum-soaked prunes. Until now, I have never tried baking them, reserving my admiration to stares of longing at visits to certain pastry shops. My favorite to gaze at is "the flan Parisien." Similar to "clafouti,"...

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Kougelhopf, an Alsatian classic that is something between cake and bread, is perfect with hot coffee. Yes, it's summer and the city streets are baking. But I'm gonna bake something, too, and kougelhopf is on my taste buds. They're on fire, as is my...

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